
Monday, August 9, 2010

Pergerakan Perang salib dan Pakar2 Sejarah - 1

Dalam bulan November pada tahun 1095, sebuah dewan(council) gereja telah bermesyuarat di Clermont,Perancis, di bawah pimpinan Pope Urban ke-2[Pope Blessed Urban II]. Untuk kali yang ke 27, dengan dewan akan berakhir tidak lama lagi, ahli-ahli gereja bersama-sama orang awam yang kebanyakannya dari kawasan desa berdekatan, telah berkumpul di sebuah padang di luar bandar Clermont, Pope Urban ke -2 telah berkhutbah dan menyeru Frankish Knight(satu pasukan berkuda elit di Eropah) bersumpah dan menuju ke Timur dengan dua tujuan iaitu membebaskan penganut kristian daripada cengkaman pemerintahan Islam dan membebaskan maqam christ, kubur suci di Jerusalem dari kawalan orang-orang Islam. Sebaik sahaja Pope Urban ke-2 selesai berkhutbah, Adhemar of Monteil, salah seorang uskup(bishop) dari Le Puy, Perancis, yang telah dilantik sebagai wakil Pope Urban ke-2 dalam ekspedisi Perang salib ini telah mara kehadapan perhimpunan tersebut dan Salib besar telah diserahkan kepadanya(orang yang pertama menerima salib dalam ekspidisi ini) di ikuti dengan laungan yang kuat yang berbunyi 'God wills it' atau kehendak tuhan.

The crusading movement had begun in the melodramatic fashion which was to be typical of it thereafter. Coming himself from the class he wished to arouse, the pope must have known how to play on the emotions of armsbearers. Now about 60 years old, he had embarked on a year long journey through southern and central France. The summoning of an expedition to the aid of the Byzantine empire [The Byzantine Empire (or Eastern Roman Empire) was the Roman Empire as it existed during the Middle Ages, centered on the capital of Constantinople, and ruled by the Byzantine emperors, direct successors to the ancient Roman emperors. It was called the Roman Empire and also Romania (Greek: Ῥωμανία, Rhōmanía) by its inhabitants and neighbours. As the distinction between "Roman Empire" and "Byzantine Empire" is purely a modern convention, it is not possible to assign a date of separation, but an important point is Emperor Constantine I's transfer in 324 of the capital from Nicomedia (in Anatolia) to Byzantium on the Bosphorus, which became Constantinople (alternatively "New Rome"]had probably been in his mind for several years and it had been aired at a council held at Piacenza in March which had heard an appeal from the Byzantine(Greek) emperor Alexius [Alexius I Comnenus] for aid against the Turks, who for over two decades had been sweeping through Asia Minor and had almost reached the Bosphorus(The Bosphorus or Bosporus (Greek: Βόσπορος, Bosporos, Bulgarian: Босфора, Босфора), also known as the Istanbul Strait (Turkish: İstanbul Boğazı), is a strait that forms part of the boundary between Europe and Asia. It is one of the Turkish Straits, along with the Dardanelles. The world's narrowest strait used for international navigation, it connects the Black Sea with the Sea of Marmara (which is connected by the Dardanelles to the Aegean Sea, and thereby to the Mediterranean Sea). It is approximately 30 km (19 mi) long, with a maximum width of 3,700 m (12,139 ft) at the northern entrance, and a minimum width of 700 m (2,297 ft) between Kandilli and Aşiyan; and 750 m (2,461 ft) between Anadoluhisarı and Rumelihisarı. The depth varies from 36 to 124 m (118 to 407 ft) in midstream. The shores of the strait are heavily populated as the city of Istanbul (with a metropolitan area in excess of 11 million inhabitants) straddles it.)

Soon after Pope Urban II had entered French territory he must have discussed his plans with Adhemar of Le Puy and Raymond of St Gilles, the count of Toulouse, whom he wanted as military leader. These meetings cannot have been confidential and there may have been some truth in a tradition in Burgundy that the first vows to go on the way to Jerusalem were made at a council of 36 bishops which had met at Autun earlier in 1095.

Another tradition was that the wandering evangelist Peter the Hermit was already proposing something similar to the crusade before it was preached at Clermont. Peter was congenitally boastful and the stories of his pilgrimage to Jerusalem, the appeal to him by the Patriarch, his vision of Christ and his interview with the pope in Italy at which he persuaded Urban to summon men to Jerusalem's aid seem to have originated in Lorraine, not far from the abbey of Neumoustier where he lived once the crusade was over. But at the very least there must have been a lot of talk and some preliminary planning in advance of the pope's arrival at Clermont.

Urban seem to have followed up his proclamation by preaching the cross wherever he went in France. By the following spring crusaders were assembling for what came to be known as the First Crusade (1096-1102), the climax of which was the capture of jerusalem on 15 July 1099, an achivement made all the greater for contemporaries by the catastrophic defeat by the Turks in Asia Minor two years later of the armies of a third wave crusaders.

Jerusalem could not be held in isolation and its capture inevitably led to the establishment of western settlements in the Levant(dikenali sebagai Latin East). These soon came under pressure and military expeditions had to be organized and military orders were founded to assist them. Crusades were in action in 1107-1108 although this was diverted into a preliminary and disasterous invasion of the Byzantine empire 1120-1125, 1128-1129, 1139-1140 and 1147-1149, the last of these came to be known as the second crusade. Meanwhile the movement had been extended to Spain, the reconquest of which from the Moors had already been equated with the liberation of Jerusalem by Pope Urban II.

Crusades in the peninsula were preached in 1114, 1118 and 1122, when Pope Calixtus II proposed a war on two fronts with armed forces serving concurrently in spain and in the East. Calixtus's initiative telah di majukan oleh Pope Eugenius III dalam tahun 1147 apabila dia telah membenarkan satu crusade terhadap the Wends di seberang north-eastern German sempadan dan pada masa yang sama crusaders telah diseru untuk berkhidmat di Sepanyol dan Asia. Perang Salib yang ke-2 adalah satu fiasco(kegagalan) dan walaupun terdapat 3 crusades menyusul selepas itu di Sepanyol sebelum 1187, satu di northern Eropah dan beberapa ekspedisi, terutamanya pada tahun 1177 ke Palestin.

Semuanya telah berubah dengan kejutan berita yang tersebar di seluruh pelusuk Eropah tentang kemenangan orang-orang Islam di Hattin[Hittin (Arabic: حطّين‎, transliterated Ḥiṭṭīn or Ḥaṭṭīn) was a Palestinian village, located approximately 8 kilometers (5 mi) west of Tiberias. The site of the Battle of Hattin in 1187, in which Saladin conquered most of interior Palestine from the Crusaders, Hittin is a nationalist symbol for Arabs and Palestinians. Within the village lands is the shrine of Nabi Shu'ayb, venerated especially by the Druze as the tomb of Jethro.], dan jatuhnya Jerusalem dan hampir seluruh Palestin kepada Salahuddin Al-Ayubi pada tahun 1187.

Gelombang perang salib yang ke-3 (1189-1192) dan German crusade(1197-1198) telah merampas semula hampir semua kawasan pantai, bagi memastikan kelangsunagn hidup-survival of Latin settlement(kediaman di kawasan latin oleh westerners) terjamin buat seketika dan enthusiasm telah boleh dijumpai di setiap lapisan masyarakat sepanjang kurun ke-13. Semangat ber'crusade' di kalangan orang-orang awam bawahan telah terbukti dengan wujudnya Children's crusade(1212) dan the Crusade of the Shepherds(1251) manakala bala tentera telah berlayar ke Timur pada tahun 1202-1204[Perang Salib ke-4, dialihkan ke Constatinople(Istanbul,Turki)

yang mana tentera salib telah berjaya menawannya dan sebahagian besar daripada Greece. must know!!!] , tahun 1217-1229[Perang salib ke-5 telah dilancarkan dengan penawanan semula Jerusalem diikuti dengan banyak perjanjian oleh excommunicated Emperor Frederick II], 1239-1241, 1248-1254[Perang Salib pertama oleh King Louis IX dari Perancis, diinspirasi oleh kejatuhan Jerusalem pada tahun 1244], 1269-1272[Perang Salib ke-2 oleh King Louis IX of Perancis] dan 1287-1290. Pada tahun 1218 dan 1249, Mesir telah diserang oleh tentera salib, diikuti dengan Tunisia pada tahun 1270.

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